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At være i stand til at levere din bog før jul skal du afgive din ordre senest 08:00 (centraleuropæisk tid) den 17. december!
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Vores paperback bog er et perfekt valg for dem, der ønsker at trykke mange bøger med sort/hvide indlæg.
Du kan også bestille gamle bøger og projekter fra Solentros system i denne nye format - paperback!
Læs mere om Paperback her.
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We strive to constantly develop and improve the book making system with suggestions and ideas from you - thank you for helping us become better!
Med venlig hilsen!
/Hampus & Tobias Schildfat, brødre og grundlæggere
At Solentro you can make your own book, photo book, photo album, wedding book, graduation book (yearbook),christening book, book of remembrance,blog book, retirement book, "my first book" - we focus on simplicity and usability which opens up for your creativity!* The discount only apply to the price of your book and can not becombined with any other offers. Shipping and handling not included.
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